“Cleanliness is the hallmark of perfect standards.” – J.R.D Tata

The challenging need of every homeowner- beautifully neat, perfect, and organised home interiors. Imagine the amount of work that needs to get done just to make your home shine. Yes. We understand. A messy home leads to a messy feeling, which finally leads to a messy day. The more we delay it, the more difficult the cleaning work can get. It is indeed a drag to do housekeeping if we don’t have a disciplined approach. To have a cleaning plan for your home, you should know the spots that require cleaning most-frequently or the spaces that accumulate the most dust. Alongside cleaning, analyse the laundry load and how frequently you must do laundry without piling up dirty clothes.

Here are some housekeeping tips our interior designers in Kochi compiled for you to ensure your home interiors stay tidy and clean.

●     Make your Bed, Period.

Jordan Peterson, a famous and well-renowed Canadian psychologist, stated that making your bed in the morning can inspire a sense of responsibility and self-care. It is a habit that sets the tone for the day. “If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another,” were the eye-opening words of Naval Admiral Mcraven in a commencement speech at the University of Texas.

Change sheets on average at least once every week to ensure good hygiene. Watch out for bedbugs, because they not only cause skin irritation but also bloodstains in your bedsheets, which adds another load to your laundry.

●     Good Organisation

Organise your rooms and storage spaces efficiently by making a list of things and spaces you access frequently. Have a separate single spot for all your laundry. Clean and organise the spaces strategically according to your manners and frequency of access. Clutter can act like a magnet for dust and make cleaning difficult. If you have more stuff and lack storage options, consider the concept of minimalism. Minimalism in homes is the practice of living with only the things you need. It promotes the value of experiences over material things, prioritising meaningful possessions over those that merely occupy space. This concept can help reduce clutter in your space and give a clean look to your interiors.

●     Shining Floors and Surfaces

Clean floors and surfaces are necessary for your health and safety in your home. Sanitising the floor with a good and effective cleaning agent can kill germs and ensure a hygienic space. Fewer germs mean fewer illnesses. A messy floor may lead to accidents that may be minor or even fatal. If you have kids, a clean floor should be a top priority.

First, vacuum the floor to remove the majority of dust and dirt. Secondly, mop the floor to remove stains. There are specific stain removing solutions that remove stains without affecting the colour of your floors (certain chemicals can react with granite and marble floors, causing the colours to change). Finally, dry the floor by using clean, dry cotton mops. Entrances, kitchens, and washrooms receive the most traffic, so keep these three areas on top of your cleaning list. Use doormats in your kitchen and entrances to minimise dust entering your interiors.

Wipe your windows and table surfaces clean to avoid dust accumulation. Clean windows do have a role in elevating the beauty of your home. If you have dust allergies, you must learn how to clean & care for your sofas, beds, and tables. Remember, tables and sofas are the focal points of your rooms.

●    The Kitchen

Imagine waking up, walking to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, and seeing a pile of dirty dishes waiting to be washed. The day starts in a frustrating way. So, when you use your kitchen, clean as you go. This efficient habit helps maintain a clean and well-organised kitchen with a bonus of peace. There are no frustrations or anxieties about a pile of dishes waiting for you to be cleaned. A clean kitchen also ensures safety. There are no spills or knives lying around with the potential for fatal accidents. When you adopt a “clean as you go mindset,” as your kitchen routine ends, there won’t be much cleaning left to do. This ensures a stress-free and satisfied walkaway from the kitchen. Adopt useful kitchen declutter tips like utilising vertical space and organising drawers for a seamless kitchen experience.

●     The Sink Matters

Your sink does not self-clean with water and soap. Remove solid and clutter-potential matters from the kitchen sink. Use a combination of vinegar and water or other cleaning agents to keep the sink germ-free. Handle odours by pouring some baking soda solution down the drain, followed by a cleaning agent. Finally, after some time, flush out your sinks by pouring water. Choose good kitchen sink designs that can be easily cleaned and maintained while planning your kitchen design.

●     Garbage Bins

Garbage bins guarantee hygiene standards in your homes. It’s a good, effective tool for waste disposal because it helps prevent infections and pests. Especially in the kitchen, where organic waste piles up the most, garbage bins ensure good control over odour and waste management.

Create a housekeeping plan. Place cleaning supplies close to where you need them. Stick to a morning and evening routine or adapt your cleaning routine to your life flow. Eventually, it will become one of the best habits you have developed in your life. Rather than putting off tasks for a later time, motivate yourself towards a “just do it now” mindset. Procrastination is indeed a thief of time. Periodically do laundry, washing, cleaning, and all cleaning routines without delay. Cultivate housekeeping discipline so you may never worry about an untidy and disorganised home. If you need hands-on guidance, consult a team of reliable interior designers in India to put you on the right track.

We hope a quote by Joseph Addison, a poet, may leave you inspired: “Cleanliness may be defined to be the emblem of purity of mind.”


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