Accidents happen, and often, they seem to happen only where the carpets are in your home. No matter how careful you are about your carpets, things are bound to go wrong. But if you don’t know how to properly get the stain out, you might end up grabbing a damp towel and rubbing the stain, making it much worse.

Instead, there are some ways to remove stains that will make your carpet look less damaged, but it’s important to note that these quick stain removal ideas are only a band-aid on the overall issue. If you want your carpets to last and be cleaner for longer, a professional carpet cleaning service is the best option.

Whether you need professional carpet cleaning in Blacktown or Penrith, Ultimate Carpet Cleaning is the best choice for getting those pesky stains out for an affordable price.

How To Remove the Most Common Stains from Your Carpet


Before treating mud or dirt stains on the carpet, allow it to dry. Vacuum after removing as much residue as possible. Use a mild dishwashing liquid, warm water, or white vinegar as a detergent. Before blotting with a clean white cloth or paper towel, allow the solution to sit on the stain for ten minutes.


Do not clean blood stains on the carpet with warm water because doing so will help the stain stick to the material. Blot with a clean cloth after applying cold water or club soda. Keep going until the stain is gone.

Candle Wax

Rub an ice pack against the wax until it hardens to remove the wax. Vacuum up the pieces after the wax has been gently broken up. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to treat the spot with a carpet cleaner or a white cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol.


Scrape away as much chocolate as you can with a dull knife to remove chocolate stains from the carpet. If the chocolate is melted, before scraping, place an ice cube-filled resealable plastic bag over the stain to harden the remaining chocolate. Clean the area with a vacuum to remove any stray flakes or pieces. Now, you can combine warm water with liquid dish soap and apply this to the stain with a clean cloth and blot gently from the outside in, until the stain is gone. You may need to leave the solution on the carpet for at least 5 minutes before it budges.

Tea or Coffee

Start by blotting as much of the stain away as you can, then combine one tablespoon of dish soap with two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, be sure to wear gloves. Then, carefully work the solution with your fingers, and let it sit for a few seconds. Repeat the process of blotting the stain and rinsing it with water, until the stain is gone.


Strip away as much gum as possible. Place an ice cube-filled resealable plastic bag over the gum to harden it. Using a dull knife or spoon, chip the gum away. Following the directions on the label, vacuum and clean the remaining stain with a dry-solvent carpet cleaner.

Ultimate Carpet Cleaning

Marsden Park, New South Wales, Australia

0434 126 004



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