– Ornamental plants are natural and fresh decorations that you can use to beautify the interior and exterior of your home. Besides, you can use various types and sizes of ornamental plants according to your wishes in decorating. You can use fresh flowerless ornamental plants to ornamental plants with beautiful flowers. One type of ornamental plant that you can use is the type of hydroponics. Hydroponic ornamental plants are types of plants that are grown in water media. By growing your ornamental plants in water, you can get the perfect decoration in a limited space. You can grow your hydroponic ornamental plants in various concepts such as in mini gardens, hanging ornamental plants, and other concepts. Moreover, you can choose various types of hydroponic ornamental plants. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss Attractive Hydroponic Ornamental Plant Ideas to Make Your Home Fresher. Let’s discuss them one by one!

Air Plants

Air Plants

The first hydroponic plant that we discuss in this article is an air plant or often called tillandsia. This is the plant that can grow well without soil planting media like ornamental plants in general. You can use this ornamental plant for a variety of interior decorations in your home. For example, you can use it to decorate your coffee table, bedside table, and window decoration in your home. These hydroponic ornamental plants will grow healthy and fresh with good air humidity around them. Therefore, you can spray water to keep these hydroponic ornamental plants healthy, fresh, and not easy to wither.

Spanish Moss

Spanish Moss

The next hydroponic ornamental plant that we discuss in this article is Spanish moss. You can use these hydroponic plants for a variety of interior and exterior decorations of your home. Moreover, its shape is like long and dense hair which will make this ornamental plant suitable for you to use as a hanging ornamental plant. With proper care and growing methods, you can grow these ornamental plants healthily with the hydroponic method. In addition, you can get a beautiful and fresh natural look and accent by using this Spanish moss plant in your home.

White Lily

White Lily

You can also use hydroponic ornamental plants with beautiful flowers in your home. For example, you can use white lily for various interior and exterior decorations of your home. White lilies are easier for you to grow using the hydroponic method compared to other types of lilies. Therefore, you can use water media with gravel so that the roots of the white lily that you plant are stronger and grow well. You can use these hydroponic ornamental plants for decorative types of hanging ornamental plants or ornamental plants for table decorations in the interior of your home.

Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo

You can create an attractive decoration use hydroponic ornamental plants like lucky bamboo. Lucky bamboo is an ornamental plant shaped like bamboo. However, this hydroponic ornamental plant is not a type of bamboo. You can use various sizes and shapes of lucky bamboo according to your expression and character. Lucky bamboo is a hydropic ornamental plant that you can plant on the ground or other growing media such as water. In addition, this plant is also sturdy and strong. This makes lucky bamboo care easier and more enjoyable for you to do.



The next ornamental plant that you can use as a hydroponic decoration in your home is the philodendron. This hydroponic ornamental plant is a flowerless ornamental plant that can beautify and provide a fresh atmosphere in your home. The philodendron plant has leaves with a size large enough with a fresh green color to give a tropical accent to your home. You can use a variety of sizes and decoration concepts that you want in using these hydroponic plants in your home.

Betel Ivory

Betel Ivory

Another hydroponic ornamental plant that you can use to decorate the interior or exterior of your home is the ivory betel. Using the ivory betel plant can give you a fresh look with a more attractive tropical accent in the decorations you create. You can use the ivory betel plant in the hydroponic method. To create it, you can cut this plant as long as 20 to 30 centimeters. After that, you can soak it in water-growing media with a container design according to your wishes.



The last hydroponic ornamental plant idea that you can use for natural decoration in your home is orchids. You can grow orchids using the hydroponic method easily, especially the Dendrobium orchid plant. This ornamental plant has a unique and aesthetic shape as a natural decoration. In addition, the flowers of the orchid plant have a beautiful shape and bright color. You can also get fresh natural accents using these hydroponic ornamental plants on the interior or exterior of your home.

Thus our discussion of Attractive Hydroponic Ornamental Plant Ideas to Make Your Home Fresher. By using hydroponic ornamental plants, you can create natural decorations that save space in your home. In addition, you can also use these ornamental plants to create a cleaner decoration than using ornamental plants grown on the ground. Moreover, you can choose various types of hydroponic ornamental plants that are interesting for you to use. You can also choose the most suitable size for your home decor. Therefore, create fresh and beautiful home decorations using the most attractive hydroponic ornamental plants in your home. Happy decorating and gardening!


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