Roofing is a big deal, especially when it comes to the longevity of your property. You see, it’s not easy to replace a roof; in fact, you’ll have to pay someone an arm and a leg to do the job. But why wait that long until your roof starts giving you problems? It’s always better to be prepared than sorry later on, right? Well, that is what I am here for actually.

Your roof is the protective layer between your home and the elements. You want it to last as long as possible, but you also want it to be replaced before damage occurs. This means that regular maintenance is essential.  These five tactics will help keep your roof in good condition for a long time.

If it is time to replace your roof, here you can find a roofing companies in Winnipeg.

1. Trim branches from your yard

The number one culprit in roof damage is tree limbs and branches. These can cause several different problems, including leaking, rot, cracked shingles, and in some cases even structural damage. The problem is that it is not always easy to see these things when you are on the ground looking up at a roof.

When you are working on your yard, take a few minutes to examine the roof above you as well. This means standing in the yard under the area where branches could be coming into contact with the house. A bird’s eye view of this kind can often spot issues before they become major problems.

A large tree that is overgrown can be trimmed back to allow for plenty of clearance between the building and the branches. This will help prevent any cracks or leaks that might occur due to contact with overheated or broken branches. Also, be sure to trim away any overhanging branches that touch your gutters or rain spouts because these can also cause problems with leaks and rotting of flashing or framing materials around windows and doors.

2. Install a gutter protector

This will protect your gutters from being damaged by debris. Debris will be blocked and prevented from entering the gutters and eventually damaging them which can cause leaks as well as cracks in the roofing.

The gutter cover also prevents ice buildup during winter months which can result to disaster if it’s not taken care of properly. There are a lot of brands that you can choose from based on your needs. You can choose one that is made out of metal, wood or plastic. It’s best to consult roofers when choosing materials to ensure that it’s durable enough and won’t easily break due to the elements.

3. Don’t store anything on the roof

If you are storing something on the roof of your home, take it off. It will be damaging the roof. Not only is it unnecessary and a waste of space, but you are also making the roof work harder when it needs to last longer.

The roof is designed for the structural integrity of your home, not for how much weight you can pack onto it. If you have a storage shed, there is no need to store anything on the roof at all. If a storage shed is not an option, consider other options – like a basement or attic – that don’t put extra stress on the roof.

4. Replace the roof once every 25 years

Replace your roof once every 25 years. That’s a good rule of thumb. Most roofs don’t last any longer than that. But if you take care of your roof, it will probably last longer than that.

Replace the roof once every 25 years means more than just replacing shingles. You should also replace any damaged or worn parts, such as gutters, downspouts, flashing, vents and skylights.

If you live in a house that is more than 20 years old, it’s probably been through several cycles of maintenance, starting with the initial construction of a new roof. Roofs typically last 25-50 years depending on conditions like climate and exposure to sunlight. The shingles may start separating from the wood decking by about year 8 or 10, so this is also a good time to replace the entire roof if you have decided to go with shingles instead of asphalt or metal panels. This will usually save money over time compared to doing repairs each time a shingle or two goes bad.

5. Get a roof inspection

The best way to keep a roof in good condition is regular maintenance. Some problems are easy – and inexpensive – to address when they first appear. Others will require more extensive repairs if they go unaddressed for an extended period of time. The key is recognizing the signs that it may be time for a repair job and working with a reliable contractor.

Roofs are often damaged by things like tree branches, hail or high winds but the most common reason for damage is improper maintenance. The most important thing you can do to keep your roof in good condition is have it inspected by a professional before winter sets in, so you know what you need to do and have time to do it. If mice are a problem on your property, they can cause extensive damage to your roof, including chewing through shingles and nesting inside the attic. A professional exterminator may be able to help with this problem.

In the end, there is no way to make your roof last forever when its long-time fate will be to deteriorate to dust. However, you can keep your roof in better shape for a few more years and save considerable money in the process by following these five methods.

Still need to get your fixed or replaced? Find you Winnipeg roofers today.


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