If you’re a homeowner in the market for a heater replacement in Cerritos, you’re likely confronting a dizzying array of options. From electric to gas heaters, high-efficiency models to the latest smart systems, the choice can make or break your cold-weather comfort and energy bills for years. But fear not! This guide will walk you through everything you need to know before switching.

Types of Heaters

Before diving into specifics, it’s important to understand the different types of heaters available. The most common types are electric, gas, and oil heaters.

Electric Heaters

Electric heaters use electricity to generate heat and are generally less expensive upfront than other options. They also have no emissions, making them a more environmentally friendly choice. However, they can be less efficient and more expensive to operate over time. 

Gas Heaters

Gas heaters use natural gas or propane as fuel to produce heat. They are more energy efficient than electric models and provide a consistent, reliable heat source. However, they require a gas line and can pose safety risks if not properly maintained.

Oil Heaters

Oil heaters use heating oil as fuel to produce heat. They can be more expensive to install and operate, but they are often preferred in areas without access to natural gas lines. However, gas heaters require proper maintenance to ensure safety and efficiency.

Factors to Consider

Now that you understand the different types of heaters available, several factors must be considered before deciding which one is right for your home.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is one of the most important considerations when choosing a heater replacement. Look for models with high annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) ratings, which indicate how much fuel is converted into usable heat. The higher the rating, the more efficient and cost-effective the heater.

Size and Capacity

You’ll also want to consider the size and capacity of your new heater. A unit that is too small won’t adequately heat your home, while a unit that is too large can lead to wasted energy and higher bills. Consult a professional to determine the appropriate size for your home and heating needs.


The initial cost of a heater replacement is important for many homeowners. While electric heaters may have a lower upfront cost, consider the long-term operating costs. Gas and oil heaters may have higher initial costs but can save money in the long run through more efficient operation.

While some homeowners may be tempted to install their new heater themselves, hiring a professional for installation is highly recommended. A certified HVAC technician will ensure the unit is installed correctly and safely, reducing the risk of malfunctions and safety hazards. Schedule regular maintenance and inspections to keep your heater running smoothly and efficiently.


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