– Hedera Helix or English Ivy is a vegetative plant. It is stunningly a vine plant from Central and Northern Europe. English Ivy usually grows outdoor on the fence, outdoor wall, gate, and any suitable places. This plant is an aggressive grower, then it needs to propagate when the leafy stems become larger. This plant is often decorating old houses or buildings. It transforms the old-fashioned exterior to feel a forest-like ambiance. This plant is nice to bring inside the house too. You can use it for the interior decoration of any room you want in your home.

As an indoor ornamental plant, it thrives well in the moist temperature, then it invigorates the atmosphere inside the room. For that, in this article, we will discuss Tips to Care for English Ivy and Beautifully Hang Them in Your Home. We will discuss the first topic of tips for caring for this plants. Meanwhile, the second tips that we will discuss are some easy ways for you to follow in hanging these ornamental plants beautifully. Let’s discuss them one by one!

Tips to Care for English Ivy

The first topic we discuss in this article is some tips you can follow to care for the English Ivy plants you have in your home. By having ornamental plants, you certainly want the plants you have to grow healthy and beautiful. For that, you can follow the various tips that you can follow below so that your ornamental plants are always beautiful and fresh. Let’s discuss!

  • Soil Care

Soil Care

This plant likes moist soil and low humidity. This plant loves the fertile soil from the potting mix. The right potting mix is healthy for your English Ivy and provides good drainage for this plant. Since it likes the moist condition, it thrives well in well-draining soil. Grow this vegetative plant in smooth soil with compost mixing.

  • Water


The need for water is important for all living things. Even though English Ivy likes moist soil, it still needs water to survive all year rounds. Give enough water for this plant when you see the signs of drying leaves. Yellow leaves and the edge of curving leaves are the common sign of underwatered plant. Before watering this plant regularly, make sure that the soil is completely dry. It doesn’t like to stand in soggy soil.

  • Humidity


Since this plant likes moist soil, you should consider the humidity in your room. Humidity is a moderate key to thrive your English Ivy well. Sometimes, when your English Ivy leaves look pale then it likes more humidity. Some English Ivy species like more sunlight and some like less humidity. The temperature around 10-21° C is natural for this plant to grow. Thrive it with pebbles around the roots to increase humidity.

  • Lighting


The sunlight is the must-have element to provide for a healthy plant. Even English Ivy loves sunlight but can’t hold longer in direct sunlight. The place with bright indirect sunlight is effective to make your plant looks fresh. To determine the need for light for a certain species from English Ivy, you can see the color of its leaves. If the leaves are white such as Ingrid Liz, it likes a shady place and tolerates low light. English Ivy with deep green leaves love to get bright indirect light, a corner space is enough for this plant.

  • Pests and Diseases

Pests and Diseases

Spider mites are the common pest for this plant. It likes to attack English Ivy when this plant in low health. Some sick signs from this plant mean that it needs serious actions to nurture it back to health. There are others pests and diseases of this plant such as anthracnose, edema, phytophthora, and bacterial leaf spot. The wrong treatment also may cause the death of English Ivy. Giving too much water and fertilizer causes a slow death.

How to Hang Your English Ivy

After discussing various tips for caring for your English Ivy plants, the next topic that we will discuss in this article is a variety of easy ways for you to follow in hanging these ornamental plants. You can flexibly create the decorations you want using English Ivy plants in the interior of your home. In addition, you can also hang it anywhere in the room you want, both interior and exterior. Let’s discuss!

  • Prepare the Hanging Spot

Prepare the Hanging Spot

Hanging an English Ivy plant can invigorate your room. It decorates the wall and brings a natural atmosphere. If your ceiling already has a hook then it is beneficial for you to use it, but if it is not, add some hooks on the ceiling by using a drill machine. By having the hooks, you can hang your English Ivy and let the vining part creates a green ‘waterfall’.

  • Use a Small to a Medium Pot

Use a Small to a Medium Pot

Using a big pot requires more soil to fill it, then it increases the weight to hang it on your ceiling. A small is lighter and easy to hang on your ceiling. You can use the old pot, but add a hanger planter from macrame will rise your light pot beautifully. Some plastic pots are available in a plastic hanger. Since you will hang it on the ceiling, then you should provide good drainage for this container. Terracotta pot can help you to absorb water and it has no holes. Don’t use the pot with holes because the water will spill on the floor when you water it.

  • Measure The Rope and Your Ceiling

Measure The Rope and Your Ceiling

You need to measure the height of the rope to hang this pot. It is important to get a proper position in a room. Don’t hang it too short because it will disturb your traffic in that room. Thus, hang it a little higher to get adequate sunlight. The outdoor atmosphere will touch your English Ivy gently and adjusts its natural habitat.

  • The Lighting

The Lighting

English Ivy will die slowly if you put it under direct sunlight. When you decide to hang it, take an effective place to grow them under the medium to bright light. A dark corner is good for this plant to grow indoors. If you want to decorate the window, you can hang it beside your window in that room.

Thus our discussion of Tips to Care for English Ivy and Beautifully Hang Them in Your Home. English Ivy plant is a stunning vining plant from English. This plant lives well in low humidity. It tolerates medium to bright light. You can thrive on this plant outdoor or indoor. Choose the right species to grow indoors if you want to create a greenery accent. It is quite easy to thrive this plant, then we give you some tips and information to nurture this plant. Hopefully, this information is useful for you. Happy decorating!


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